Monday, September 10, 2012

Two More For The Roll

Middle school do you remember all of the teachers that you had in middle school? I know I do. I remember my 3rd grade teacher like it was yesterday. I remember all the activities we did in class and how she made what she was teaching so much fun that you couldn't help but to want to learn more about those subjects. That's how I want to be as a teacher. To be that kind of a teacher I know that I need to listen to other teachers with experience that can maybe give tips and ideas so that I can better teach my students. There were many math games that you can play as a math teacher. I remember the around the world times table games that I got to play in middle school. Everyone got so excited about playing the game and wanting to win they forgot that they were actually learning as well. There are jeopardy games, team games, and so much more that you can do with your students. There is a blog from a middle school teacher that gives lots of great information on how to survive as a middle school teacher. Visit to find some awesome games to help with ideas to keep your students involved and excited about learning. Now you can't always play games in the classroom because then how would you learn things such a vocabulary words. Or can you? There are always ways to put a little twist on things. One teacher tells how she put up vocabulary words on a board and then as the year went along the students could find those words, when they were brought up in class, and place them on their vocabulary word tree. I think that is a pretty cool way to help students remember their vocabulary words and to keep them on their toes for new vocabulary. To read more about that idea visit As I am finding out there are so many different ways that you can make the subjects that you are teaching interesting. I am so excited to be able to think of more ways to keep my future students interactive and excited about learning.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My Beliefs about Technology and Learning

TECHNOLOGY. Technology has become a very large part of our daily lives today. Teaching as a whole is being changed to be more technology oriented. I have differentiating thoughts on technology. I believe that it can be a good and bad thing. First of all, as a teacher technology should be used only in the most professional manner. In this case computers can serve as a valuable teaching school. Personally it is hard for me to accept the all the new forms of technology. After all I just purchased my first smart phone recently and even that I was not sure I wanted to do. I enjoy paper the feel and smell of it and how I can touch it. I
learn best by seeing and touching things so it helps me to highlight and underline things. For me my personal experiences have shaped how I feel about technology. Beliefs can be set according to many things such as personal experiences, social cultures, commitments, ideologies, etc. It is important however to hold an open mindset on new technology especially when you are entering a career field such as teaching. That does not mean that we should completely get rid of the old such a chalk boards and paper because every student learns differently. There are now many programs for math and science that use new technology such as smart boards. Programs like those can be helpful to teach skills that are likely to be used in future jobs for the students. I think that a mixture of "paper and pencil" skills and technology skills will be a very important part of the classroom in order to produce more "well rounded students". So whether you are open minded about technology or still trying to get used to the idea I would urge those who are preparing to teach to look into certain technology programs and weigh out pros and cons of them. Why? Because it will make you a more rounded person that can help others to understand technology. Have a little fun with it too. Be creative and be willing to accept and change your belief system. I know I have been pleasantly surprised at the technological world and maybe you can to. Now go learn :) Suggested Reading: